Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Evolution of a Quilter - Caroline

Our guild has added various programming to our general meetings and this one is a definite keeper. The Evolution of a Quilter explores an individual guild member's (or an invited guest) to share their evolution from the days they first began to today, regardless of whether that is decades or a a couple years.  

Below is a simple summary of Caroline's evolution. I think next time we might just need to record it so all the little anecdotes and commentary can be shared as well. 

It all began with drawn patterns on graph paper and scissors. 

Then it continues. She made one for a family member and of course, that meant the rest of the family needed quilts.

A little break over time for life and then the urge to quilt began again.

Join a modern guild and a few classes later and Caroline found herself creating improvisational art she's fallen in love with.

Isn't her work just beautiful?

Thank you, Caroline, for sharing your journey. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Are you interested in improving your free motion quilting skills?

We have a few openings for a free motion quilting workshop on August 24, 2019 (updated date) being taught by Dena Wilkins (Living Water Quilter). 

If you are interested, you can sign up here: registration.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Guild Quilts at the 2018 Original Sewing & Quilt Expo in Fredericksburg!

In the fall of 2018, our guild showed off our talent with an exhibit at the Original Sewing & Quilt Expo in Fredericksburg, VA

We set a challenge for our guild members, called the Twenty Twenty Challenge. The rules were as follows:
  • Create a mini quilt that is 20-inches X 20-inches, including the binding
  • Find inspiration on page 20 of a non-quilt magazine to highlight something about Fredericksburg or Virginia (must share actual or image of page)
  • Use at least 3 elements of modern quilting as defined by the Modern Quilting Guild. 
When our members presented the quilts they made, they also shared the magazine page they took inspiration from as well as an information sheet explaining such inspiration. Have a look.



We hope you enjoyed the show!